lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012


Hi guys!!!

Our Christmas holidays are getting closer and closer...however, I have planned a tiny project for you to improve your writing.

The steps to follow are:

  1. Think about a disaster or event you have experienced.
  2. Make a comment on the blog explaining to your classmates what this event is about.
  3. Organise your ideas into paragraphs and write a composition:
  • Introducing the people, the place and the time.
  • Write what happened in the story. Describe the characters´feelings
  • Write how the story ends.
Some hints for your story would be:

  • Who the story is about
  • When and where the story happened
  • Events in the story.
  • The characters´feelings about the events.
  • How the story ends.
That´s all for now guys, good luck and good job!!!!

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012


Hi everybody!!

As I have told you in class, we start a new project titled: MY IDEAL JOURNEY.
This project involves different steps to follow.
Read the instructions carefully and organize your time to achieve the objectives.
Our deadline is 15th October.

1) Write an email to your teacher about the things you like most and least when you travel.

2) Surf on the Internet and find places you would like to travel.

3) Make a comment on the blog about what impressed you most on this research.

4) Do a powerpoint presentation just with pictures (no text) of your IDEAL JOURNEY and
you will show this presentation orally to your classmates and you will get your final mark.

Good luck guys!!! I hope you do your best.

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012


Hi guys!!!

It´s great to see you all again. This year is going to be a new english adventure because I have planned activities to use real and authentic english in our daily life and in the classroom. To take advantage of this experience, you should be ready to work hard and enjoy the subject.

In this brief introduction, I want you all give me some tips of kind of activities you would like to develop. Make as many suggestions as you want and I will try to do my best ok??

New surprises are coming!!! Let´s start right now guys!!!